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Lorenz Honda

Greenfield, MA

< Commercial

Following the Honda Image template, this new dealership used the standard Honda features, such as the entry drum and Honda wave, yet more importantly also responded to the owner's program for their specific location.

Once inside the showroom, the curves of the drum are reflected in the soffit as well as the corridor to the service desk and offices. The rest of the interior is light and open providing plenty of room for cars and offices. The building features radiant heat in the service bays that are more efficient to operate and more comfortable to work on. The floor also reduces slips and falls by drying standing moisture quickly; an additional benefit to both the dealer and employees.

The majority of the building's heat is provided through an oil burner that turns used motor oil into heat. Various tanks and piping were designed to allow collection of the used motor oil between this dealership and the owner's nearby second franchise. Parking under the building's footprint was designed for, but was ultimately eliminated due to budget restraints.