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West Granite Revitalization

NeighborWorks Manchester, NH

< Multi-Family

In 2009, NeighborWorks, Greater Manchester began to acquire properties on the west side of Manchester, at the intersection of Granite and West Streets. This neighborhood pre-dates Manchester, as it was formed along the Piscataquog River, prior to the American Revolution. It is a neighborhood of densely-packed single and multiple family homes and businesses. Unfortunately, over the last twenty years, the neighborhood saw an exodus of owner-occupied housing to be replaced by absentee landlords. The recent recession caused these properties to be taken by the banks and sold at auction.

NeighborWorks purchased six properties to re-establish pride in the neighborhood. Two houses were demolished to reduce density and increase green space. The remaining units were totally gutted, and converted to one-1 family, one-2 family, and two- 3 family units. When existing siding was removed, the "ghosts" of the original exterior clapboard and trim led all to attempt to replicate the original exterior treatment. Other "signature" pieces, such as newel posts at stairways, and porch brackets were saved and incorporated in the finished houses.

The project is slated for completion in late spring, early summer, 2011. They will be marketed as owner-occupied, a stipulation of the deeds. This project is hailed by the City as a welcome initiative in a depressed neighborhood.